Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stationery card

Pop Art Heart Valentine's Card
Shop Shutterfly for beautiful Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another Year Has Passed...

The children had a great holiday, what more could I ask for. Even if it was the work of many elves at the last minute! No meltdowns, no tears, no fights among them.

Santa Keagan

~Here is a short video of Xander singing with his class~

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 2012

This year has gone by so quickly. A few quick updates followed up with some recent pictures.

Annika is participating in the Union County children's choir this year. She just had her first concert at the college along with a few other choirs from around the county. It was quite a large production, and the whole family enjoyed it. She is doing great in school and is spending time doing independent projects as part of her TAG plan. She works with her principal learning some new programs for giving presentations to the 5th grade. Her reading testing confirms she's still way ahead of her grade level.

Keagan has been participating in therapy much the same way we utilized it last year for Annika. I'll be the first to admit it's ok when you need some expert advice on parenting children with individual needs (high needs, special needs, or whatever we choose to call it today).
Keagan is doing great in the 5th grade part of the day, now if we could get the school to actually do the new evaluations so we knew where he was sitting at this year we'd be happy.The question remains, what will they do for Keagan next year?!

Eva is loving her class, she got to go on a field trip to a nursing home with a pond! She is reading great and loves to read to me every night. She is growing so much, she's only 1/2 of an inch under her brother right now! She got to bring a stuffed dog home (the class pet) and then write about it to bring to school.

Xander loves having his own class and his own friends. He enjoys telling his sister about what he got to do and then hearing her talk about her day to see how much of it was the same or different. Xander has had no medical issues, he's been fully potty trained for about 4 months, once we cut out most of the fructose and got him off the medicine. He is reading great, he was a bit behind his sister when we started sitting down each night to practice and now they are about the same. He of course loves to learn words like "cars" "hot rods" or "zoom"! He (as of the time of this post) wants to be a ninja for Halloween.

It's fall here, the leaves are raining and the temperatures dropping. We are all excited for the holidays to arrive. I'm in my last term at OSU for my Agriculture Science degree and am hoping to go back to Oregon State next term to begin a graduate certificate program in Public Health.

Last but not least Koda, Daisy, and Emerald are all happy and healthy for the most part. They are getting older with each passing season. The big dogs are now nearly 8 and Emerald is 13. Emerald can hardly see and will not go out of the house once the sun goes down. But they are still able to enjoy cuddles!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Christmas 2011 with Grandma Cathy & new cousin Taylor!


I havent posted on this blog in almost a year. It's been one long painful year. The truth is we've had so much change it feels like the last time I posted was a lifetime ago. Our family is in a new home now and we're doing good. I won't lie, it's a struggle sometimes but I'll take stress over drama any day :)

I havent decided if I will change this blog, make it look new to represent this new chapter or just keep it the same because I am comforted by familiarity as well. Maybe I'll try a change and compare it.

I have 3 terms left at OSU and then I am hoping to apply to OHSU for grad school. I'm planning on switching from Agriculture to Public Health. Much closer related to my work experience and interests. The kids are doing great. The twins are not in school right now, they are on a waiting list for head start and in the spring I plan on having them tested to possibly start Kindergarten next fall. Both Annika and Keagan are doing great, we are waiting on some new testing to identify them both as talented and gifted in school. This will give us more resources to help them both with staying challenged in school.

I am glad to be posting again. I'm glad we're healing and getting back to some type of normal even if it is completely different than what we had before.